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Entries from April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018


Do you know how to be a good ally to trans people?

How have you improved trans inclusion in your organisation? Do your staff know how to be a good ally? What might this mean when you don’t knowingly have any trans staff or students? Would new guidance from UNISON help?

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Is the Prevent Duty hindering free speech?

Universities have a statutory duty to secure freedom of speech. Yet the Prevent Duty places limits on this freedom. Furthermore, student unions say that they have a right to refuse speakers. But what about the rights to freedom of speech under the Human Rights Act? Is there concrete evidence that free speech is being seriously suppressed? A report published in March 2018 finds out.

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What staff equality data do you collect and publish? 

The specific duties of the Public Sector Equality Duty require public sector organisations to gather, analyse, use and publish staff equality data. How does your practice compare to others? Would new guidance help?

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TIMES UP – have you published your gender pay gap? How sound is your data? 

All organisations employing 250 people or more should have published their gender pay gap. But some have filed mathematically impossible figures. Others have filed figures that look suspect. Have you published your gender pay gap? How sound is your data?

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TRANS-forming churches 

Did you know that I have just published practical guidance for churches on trans inclusion? On behalf of the Open Church Network and with support from Stonewall, this guide helps churches understand what it means to welcome, value and include trans people. Interested in reading the guide?

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