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Entries in Gender reassignment. trans equality (4)


Gender neutral declarations 

The UK appeal court outcome on gender neutral passports might have some potentially interesting practical implications for education providers. Do you, for example, allow staff to declare that they identify as gender-neutral on EDI monitoring forms? Do your software systems permit this recording? What about students? Food for thought over the festive holiday.

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The LGBT Foundation’s Trans Programme report: Transforming Outcomes

A recent report identifies that Trans people face a range of barriers in education and employment. What are or would be the experiences of your trans staff and students?

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Supporting Trans employees – still a long way to go?

Did you know that managers often have low levels of confidence in knowing how to deal with trans issues in the workplace? They are often unsure of correct terminology, rules of confidentiality and how to provide appropriate support. How confident and knowledgeable are your staff? Would new guidance from Acas help?

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Supporting Trans students – transforming outcomes?

Trans people experience roadblocks when accessing, enjoying and staying in education, with issues such as bullying, transphobia, discrimination and administration errors acting as contributing factors to these blocks. What roadblocks do your trans students face?

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