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Entries in Ofsted (32)


Ofsted inspection of protected characteristics

Do you know Ofsted’s approach in evaluating how well an education provider meets their duties in relation to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010? Would recently released guidance from Ofsted help?

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Should we scrap Unconscious Bias Training? 

‘Boris Johnson’s government scraps Unconscious Bias training for civil servants.’ This was a newspaper headline in December 2020, a story that featured in many media outlets. So, should we scrap UB training? And if not, why not? What will you do, for staff development in 2021?

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EDI, British values and curriculum leadership

Curriculum leads are much more involved in inspection under the 2019 framework. Outstanding curriculum leads can fluently articulate intent for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) and British values. They can clearly explain how intent is implemented in their area. Are your curriculum leads prepared?

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Knife crime; safeguarding young people

Do you know that the rate of knife attacks in some regional towns and cities is higher than in many London boroughs? Do you know that Ofsted has carried out research on knife crime in schools and colleges? Are you aware that Ofsted have made a series of recommendations for schools and colleges?

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Celebrating diversity, tackling conflict

The recent protests taking place outside Birmingham, Manchester and London schools have spread to many parts of the country. They have also impacted on colleges. The protests centre around the teaching of same-sex relationships and trans-equality issues. They have resulted in complaints, protests, young people being removed from classes and staff being intimidated and threatened. How are we to respond? How can we maintain a culture of respect? What are outstanding providers doing? Here are my thoughts – what are yours?

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