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Entries in Poverty (3)


Narrowing the achievement gap associated with poverty

Do you have an achievement gap related to poverty? For example, lower success rates for white young men living in areas of social deprivation, or in low-income households? What are you doing to narrow the gap? New research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation might prove helpful.

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Equality Trust report, ‘The Cost of Inequality’, and a new Oxfam briefing on inequality. 

Did you know that the richest one hundred people have as much wealth as the poorest 30% of all households –around 18,900,000 people? Did you know that the impact on the UK of some of the social consequences of inequality includes reduced life expectancy, worse mental health and higher levels of imprisonment? What do you think the cost of this might be, in relation to the amount of money that the government spends on defence?

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Poverty, inequality and attitudes in the UK

Poverty is one of the most persistent causes of inequality in society, and the situation is worse today than it has been for the past thirty years. However, did you know that research into public attitudes to poverty indicates that the public has become increasingly likely to say that individual characteristics rather than societal issues cause poverty?

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