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Delegates at a training session being run by Christine Rose


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Social distancing – have we forgotten the original meaning in tackling prejudice and discrimination?

Social distancing this year has taken on a different meaning – we instantly think of 1meter and 2meter ‘gaps’ between ourselves and others, avoiding crowds, wearing masks and other aspects that have become the new ‘norm’ in our society. But social distancing has another meaning that is significant if we want to actively tackle prejudice and discrimination in our society.

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Are you ready to publish your new equality objectives next month? 

One of the specific duties of the Equality Act 2010 requires colleges and universities to publish equality objectives by April 2012 and then every 4 years. This means that your next set must be published by April 2020. Are you ready? Monitoring by the Equality and Human Rights Commission has, in the past, revealed that many organisation’s equality objectives were not legally compliant. Are yours legally compliant? Do they, for example, meet the legal requirements to be ‘specific’ and to be ‘measurable’? Are they ‘outcome’ rather than ‘output’ focussed? Would a quick reminder of the requirements help?

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Landmark ruling: ethical veganism is protected under equality law.

An employment tribunal has ruled that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief protected under discrimination law. Do you appreciate the implications for schools, colleges and universities? And what if staff claim that they have a right to a philosophical belief that gender reassignment is not possible – are they protected under equality law? What if a student says that they are a Jedi Knight – is this a protected philosophical belief? Where do you draw the line? What are the practical implications from this landmark ruling for education providers?

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New safeguarding guidance and consultation

Would your staff know how to spot the signs of FGM, honour related abuse, forced marriage and abuse linked to faith or belief? Would they know how, when and to whom they should report concerns? Would new guidance help? Did you know that revisions for ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education is out for consultation?

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New guidance on tackling workplace harassment

Do you fully understand your legal responsibilities to protect staff from harassment? Do you know the 7 practical steps that every employer should take? Do you ensure that harassment by a third party, such as a visitor to a hairdressing salon, is taken just as seriously as harassment by a work colleague? Would new guidance help?

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